[TZGISUG] Call for Expressions of Interest to host the BIOPAMA Observatory for Eastern and Southern Africa - deadline 2 September 2013

Kate Lance klance_remote at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 13 17:38:30 EAT 2013

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: MENTZEL Christine <Christine.MENTZEL at iucn.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 9:22 AM
Subject: Call for Expressions of Interest to host the BIOPAMA Observatory for Eastern and Southern Africa - deadline 2 September 2013
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++++ Apologies for cross-posting! +++++  

Dear colleagues,  

BIOPAMA is seeking a suitable host organisation to house the Regional Observatory for Protected Areas and Biodiversity for the Eastern and Southern African region. This is an exciting opportunity for a dynamic, regionally active organisation that shares the mission of BIOPAMA and is interested in becoming part of and helping to shape the development of the Regional Observatory.  If this rings true for your organisation, please submit an Expression of Interest. 

BIOPAMA is a collaborative programme that aims to improve the long-term conservation of biodiversity in Africa by promoting the use of the best available science and knowledge and building capacity to strengthen policy and decision-making on biodiversity conservation and protected areas management (terrestrial and marine). Towards this aim, Regional Observatories are being established to enable the provision of relevant information and decision-support tools, to promote and facilitate exchange of information with PAs and users (esp decision-makers) and to facilitate capacity development, as well as the exchange and improvement of knowledge on PAs.  

The detailed information and guidelines on submission as well as the submission template are attached and can also be found on the BIOPAMA website (http://www.iucn.org/about/work/programmes/gpap_home/gpap_capacity2/gpap_biopama/) under “LATEST DOCUMENTS” at the bottom of the page. The hosting arrangement will be formalized through the conclusion of an Agreement between IUCN and the hosting organization, initially for two years with significant potential to extend this into a second phase based on an evaluation of progress in the first two years.  Expressions of Interest (EoI) should be submitted by 2 September 2013.   

Thank you in advance for your interest in BIOPAMA and please do not hesitate to contact me, if you have any questions. 

With kind regards, 
Christine Mentzel 

Christine Mentzel
Senior Programme Officer
Conservation Areas and Species Diversity  
IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) 
South Africa Office
P. O Box 11536 Pretoria
Tel: +27 (0)12 342 8304 
Mobile: +27 (0)74 452 0750 
Skype: christinementzelsa
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