[ALUG] Fedora Linux considering switching out MySQL for MariaDB via Linux News ( http://goo.gl/mBzir )

Andreas Tauscher ta at lonestar-bbs.de
Fri Feb 1 18:30:01 EAT 2013

Am 24.01.2013 08:25, schrieb Adili:
> PostgreSQL is still the better DB choice for many developer who need more advance features better than MySQL

It depends. There is no "better" or more "advanced" database.
There are only databases fulfilling my requirements and databases which
are simply wrong for my application.

The big advantage of Mysql: You can choose between several storage
engines. At the moment are about 20 different storage engines available.
Optimized for different data/usage.
Mysql scaling better on multicore systems. Postgres has an nice
asyncrounus I/O system, and a stricter and more granulated rights

Performance problems are mostly the result of a wrong setup and not
understanding which config parameter having which effect.

And if a fancy on this database only available feature is used in 90%
the programmer did anyway did not really know what he is doing...... And
when I see guys talking about which DB is better and then I find in the
config files things like:
Then I anyway in a mood to unscull and shit down necks......


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