[ALUG] Fw: The Hour of Code is here

Ismail Settenda ismailmss at gmail.com
Fri Dec 20 15:32:51 EAT 2013

Hi wannabe coder,

When I first started Khan Academy I managed to pull the site together with
some pretty rusty coding skills I had picked up in high school and college.
The founders of Facebook, Instagram, and Google all similarly started their
journeys with just one line of code. In the last week over 15 million
people tried out coding for the first time as part of the 'Hour of Code' -
would you like to join them? At the end of your hour, you'll have coded
your very own greeting card to send to someone this holiday season:

Start coding your holiday card

Coding may seem a little scary to some, but we’ve made a fun hour of coding
that’ll have you building things in a snap. What is coding you ask? It is
simply writing instructions for computers and the web to make cool apps,
programs, and websites, like Angry Birds or Microsoft Word. Now you can be
part of creating our technology future, not just living in it! Anyone can

If you can type, you can code:

I can’t wait to see what you make. Hack away, future Zuckerberg!

Founder of Khan Academy, lover of code

You’re receiving this as a registered user on Khan Academy. If you’d prefer
not to receive these occasional big announcements from me please

P.S. Anyone can code - including you! Spend a few minutes checking out the
lesson and make a holiday card for someone special.

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